About Pickwick News!

Pickwick Newspaper is a school newspaper created by Fay, Frances and Ife. It is an awesome newspaper for kids to read. Have you always wanted to know what happens in the world but have no idea what the ordinary news articles say? Well then Pickwick is just for you!

Our articles come from all over the world from many sources but our main source is News-o-matic. We include cool pictures, fun stories and much more!. Our newspaper first started in 2014 and was named after a newspaper from the book ‘Little Women.’

Fay is the main creator and author of Pickwick Newspaper. She is now 10 years old.
Ife is the reporter. She helps find articles. She is 11 years old.
Frances is the editor but she has moved to . She is 11 years old.

Frankie moved to Echuca, Victoria in Australia a while ago and Fay has newly moved to Portland, Victoria and Ife is in Indonesia and still going to Jogjakarta Community School that has moved into a new super cool building! Ife and Fay are still super best friends but don’t hear from Frankie very much anymore but still good friends!

Please comment anything you would like to know and we are sure we will reply!

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